Monday, 20 July 2009

Processing the emotion

Well, Monday morning and no school to get up for. What a magnificent send off I had from all my dear friends and colleagues at Loughton Manor First School. The generous donation to VSO, the Ghanaian playground song and the gorgeous finger painting on canvas done by the children in Monkeys class (under the able direction of Katie Corrigan!). I feel really valued and affirmed, thank you all so so much. I held it together pretty well all week and am now allowing myself the luxury of a little processing of emotion! While away at our nieces wedding in the North East this weekend, our son Peter and his wife Abi have moved in ready to house sit while Mike and I are away. Bed frame in the hall, boxes everywhere but a pleasant evening of chatting and laughter, so all will be fine. Am now going to do my pre-reading for the Skills for Working in Development course starting on Saturday. This will culminate in my motor bike assessment day on Thursday when they will assess how many days training they think it will take for me to pass my test. Could be embarassing. Thanks again to all you plotters who made my last few days so memorable and full of wonderful surprises.


  1. Dear Mrs Cashman, I'm glad the preparations for your adventurous trip to Ghana is all going fine. We will miss you very much at LMFS. Meanwhile, good luck in your motorbike test. Mrs Tan, Brandon & Bernice.

  2. Thank you so much for your support and generous donation to VSO. I will miss the children at LMFS too. It has always felt like belonging to a big loving family and I think that is a wonderful environment for learning. I'm sure Brandon and Bernice will continue to do really well. Have a great summer, rich in messy learning!
    With all good wishes, Charlotte Cashman
