James, the manager of the Walewale Education Circuit Supervisors, ready to travel up to our new house in Walewale with us.
The house is lovely - mains water and mains electricity, yippee! - but various problems to fix including lights, plumbing, cess-pit, so we can't move in just yet.
Mike by moonlight, in the garden of the Masagri Guest House where we are staying until the house-building is finished.
Hi Both, Your house looks fantastic. You let us believe you would not be living in luxury! Its lovely to follow you both on your journey. Look after yourselves. Lis
We are in Ghana through VSO, a charitable organisation. The majority of the organization's funding to equip and train volunteers comes from UK Government. The remainder of the funding comes from donations.
Should you be inclined (this is completely optional), you may make a small donation to VSO and help me to reach my fund-raising target - just follow the link above.
Hi Both,
ReplyDeleteYour house looks fantastic. You let us believe you would not be living in luxury! Its lovely to follow you both on your journey.
Look after yourselves. Lis