Saturday, 19 September 2009

Packed and ready to go!

I would not choose to live through the last ten days again. Probably some of the most stressful I have yet experienced. The business of constantly trying to think what you might need and plan for every eventuality has been exhausting. I had a flare up of my wisdom tooth which required an emergency visit to the dentist and antibiotics. I couldn't help thinking how straightforward it was to sort in this country but potentially what a nightmare it could be if it happened in Ghana. Our dear friend Sarah, nurse at the Walk-In Centre, gave us a quick first aid refresher and has equipped us with our very own pharmacy! I popped in to Loughton Manor First School to do an assembly on learning to ride a motor bike. Thanks for the fabulous reception! The children were wonderfully responsive as I shared my struggles. I hope they continue to be great encouragers for each other as the year goes on. I also had a timely email from Dominic at the Open University , who has equipped me with some fantastic resources for training teachers in a sub-saharan context. If you are interested have a look at I have committed to give them feedback on using the resources in rural Ghana which I hope will be mutually interesting. Well, taxi comes at 10am tomorrow and then the adventure begins in earnest. What a relief it will be to be on that plane!


  1. Been thinking of you - hope all is well. Sarah xxx

  2. Hi Both,
    Really sorry I missed your calls. I didn't phone because I thought you didn't want to say goodbye again. Mum is fine and we had a good day. Best of luck to you both, can't wait for the next Blog news when you get there. Will be thinking and praying for you. Love Lis

  3. Hope you ok. Can't wait for first update. Hannah and the rest of the Dunks xxxxxx

  4. Have been thinking of you lots, wondering what you are doing now. Just harvested my next lot of sprouts. Looking forward to your next post!
    Much love
    The ShrimpsXXX

  5. So glad you guys have managed to master the old comment lark. Things going well here though still totally insulated fom real African life. Are going to another hotel further north in Tamale next week so won't get real Africa till in Walwale beginning of October
