Saturday, 26 September 2009

Possible role for Mike

This entry will appear to be added by Charlotte but is actually added by Mike.
Seizing a moment late at night as there is some Internet access.
Although I came here as Charlotte's "accompanying partner" - i.e. with no assignment in Ghana myself - an opportunity has arisen for me to help with organisational development (OD) assessments which are to be undertaken by all the new VSO volunteers who have been on the In-Country Training with us this week. There are two management consultant volunteers, Corneluis and Prashant, who have come out short-term from a major consultancy, and who have devised and tailored the OD process so far and are working on guidance documents, but a third colleague who they hoped would be with them to provide support won't be here till January. The OD assessment process has been explained to the VSO volunteers but many of them would like some assistance. I have been exploring the process with several of the volunteers and helping them by talking through e.g. how some of the concepts apply in the world of education and the sort of changes in the management consultancy language that will hopefully make the process more understandable in education. So I have offered my services, and both the management consultant volunteers and the Programme Director for Education are very positive about this.
What this should mean is that I'm available to help with preparation for the review process. tailoring questionnaires, running interviews, organising and facilitating workshops. This would all be working with the VSO volunteers and their various placement organisations, e.g. in the Ghana Education Service, which are known as VSO "partners" , particularly in Northern Ghana - e.g. Tamale and Bolgatanga which are relatively near us in Walewale, but also in and around Wa - and elsewhere as needed.
The Organisational Development assessment is the start-point for planning major change within the VSO partners - potentially not just the VSO volunteer objectives, but the major direction for the partners. Let's see what I can do to help.


  1. So pleased to read the news and that you both arrived safely. It all sounds really exciting. Well done Mike for getting stuck in too!
    Take care both of you. We think of you regularly!
    love Sue and Dave x

  2. Hi, Mike and Charlotte - I am going to read all your news properly tomorrow. Delighted and unsurprised that a role has been found for Mike! I am not on garden leave (!!) and happy not to have a role at all for the time being..
