Saturday 27 March 2010

OVERSEAS 7 - The Evangelist

As Augustine from World Vision said "Organise yourselves very well and apply the things you are learning here because we want to see a change. Learning is the key. Your children will come back and build the community because of education. If white people give money you will sit down and do nothing, even fight amongst yourselves. You must take action now and think for yourselves. Build your capacity to monitor teachers and do something new in your community. It is all about the children in our communities. Now it is time that we ourselves should rise up and plan and think about what is good for our children and their future. World Vision and GES have joined hands together to help you build your capacity as SMC/PTAs in your community. Open your mind and capture what is coming!"

The wonderful thing for me is that I delivered the same key messages to the SMCs here as I did to Governors back in England. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that the most important things are to

1. Know your school,

2. Build relationships

3. Run effective meetings.

These same key messages seemed to be considered crucial here too and were well received. I must email my governor training colleagues back home and tell them!

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